Sunday, November 29, 2009

the ceremony program

I've drafted our ceremony program - perhaps you'd care for a peek.

I have a slight advantage here. I designed the English department programs when I graduated from college, so I have plenty of experience grappling with the intricacies of creating programs from letter-sized paper.

Okay, they're not really intricacies. But I have a pretty strong aesthetic, regardless. And I had really really great inspiration to rip off:


I'm also lucky because my officiant recently sent me an outline for the wedding. We discussed some changes, but I have at least a general idea. With that, I was able to create the interior pages too.

Here you can see I have the second page with our names, and then the inside with the major players and the order of events. White space is just my thing. Also, just noticed the date is wrong. 2009? Heck yes I'm a time traveler..

I won't be printing these for a few months still, but I do have in mind my binding method.

This tutorial was on 100 Layer Cake recently. Threading 50 programs does not seem so taxing and it's absolutely an adorable touch. I won't be using letterpressed paper, but I will be springing for Crane paper.

Designing these things ahead of time is critical for me. I have huge procrastination problems, so the more steps I can complete now, the better. How do you deal with a mounting pile of DIY ideas? Start now or later?

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